My Grandpa and his girlfriend left on Wednesday so when my husband got home Wednesday after his night class, I finally just told him we needed to talk. He told me I'd already made up my mind so what was there to talk about it. I told him whether we were staying together or getting a divorce we still had to talk about what was going to happen.
He admitted he'd never been so mad ever (I really hope he didn't mean ever, I can name several incidents in his life that were a million times worse than this before I ever came along, but in the moment, he was extremely mad). I told him I'd never been so hurt either.
We agreed that if either one of us felt like that would ever happen again in front of the kids, we needed to get a divorce because it absolutely cannot happen to them again. For me the worst part while it was happening was that I begged him to stop and not do it in front of my kids and he wouldn't, it carried on for over 10 minutes. He's taken a child psychology course and I know he knows how that affects kids.
We did talk about divorce and he assumed that everything according to our state is split 50/50 including custody and bills/money. I told him as young as our kids are and with his unpredictable schedule (sometimes working nights) and going to school 2-3 nights a week, it wouldn't even be feasible for him to have the kids during the week. But I told him that just because logistically and financially taking care of two kids would be very hard, it wasn't enough of a reason to stay.
I do still hold things against him that make it very hard to be happy in the moment. I can't say it enough how hard PPD was on me. I told him that when I finally admitted I had it, he threw it back in my face and kept saying I needed to call the doctor (which I did) but it was like it gave him permission to blame everything on my PPD. I told him what I really needed was for him to say, "You just concentrate on the baby, I'll take care of the cleaning and cooking so you don't have to take time to do that, and you just relax. I'll give him bottles so you can sleep more." It was completely overwhelming to juggle everything on no sleep with a colicky baby and me with low supply issues. My husband can let the house become a total mess and would still lay on the catch and nap. I know everyone says just enjoy the baby and don't be so uptight about cleaning because you won't ever get that time back with your baby. For me, to be relaxed and happy in my home, it has to be to tidy. I can't look at piles of dishes, dirty counters, piles of laundry, dirty floors. That ups my anxiety a million times. So I'd do laundry all night long while my baby was up from 7pm-2am, I'd eat standing up and as fast as I could and never once did he say let me do this for you. He even said that he was tired too because he worked and went to school 3 nights a week and then had to study at night. WRONG. He took that semester off. I couldn't believe that for over a year, he was remembering the situation as that!! Blows my mind!! That was the longest 4 1/2 months of my life. And I still haven't forgave him.
So yes, I do need counseling. You know there are times when I hold a grudge against my best friends for crap they did or said to me in junior high and highschool? Yep, sometimes I think, 'Why am I even still friends with you? You treated me like crap this time or that time.' I mean seriously, it's been 10 or 15 years, get over it right?
My husband also thought he was helping me out by taking the kids to the park so I could have some me time. I told him me time shouldn't be me doing laundry, going grocery shopping, preparing dinner, cleaning the house. I told him he actually takes time away when he isn't helping me out (like yesterday when I cleaned the kitchen and living room spotless, within an hour I find 3 scrunched up paper towels-on the couch, by the kitchen sink, on the bookshelf, WTH??). Or when I come home after he's been off work all day and it's 4:45 and he hasn't figured out dinner, that's stressful after I've been working all day. I don't give a crap if he takes the kids for a walk a few hours later, you already stressed me out and while you are walking, I'm probably cleaning the kitchen.
But I have to say that when we went camping from Friday-Sunday, it was probably one of the best family trips we've had. No fighting and bickering, a lot of laughs, and I was able to really enjoy my kids and my husband. I think we need to go back to the chore chart, scheduled me time, and dates though but individually we really have to work on ourselves. I appreciate all the input, even suggestions of books to read (I'm planning on buying the 5 Love Languages today) from everyone!