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Sunday, January 16, 2011

I only look at Porn on Fridays!

Yes, you heard that right!  After the kids go to bed, I power up my laptop and spend a good hour just taking it all in:)  Porn.....well food porn to be exact!  I weigh in at Weight Watchers every Saturday morning so after the weigh in, it's my cheat DAY.  I'm really trying to get it down to one meal, but for now, it's a day.  On Friday I'm on the hunt for the best looking dessert recipe first, followed by something mouth watering for dinner.  I've learned I can't look at food porn the rest of the week because it triggers my cravings and then I find myself with 2 dozen cupcakes and not enough calories left in the day to enjoy even a fraction of my creation.  So for now, that's how I'm learning balance...one day of indulging in super yummy, high calorie food....then come Sunday morning, it's egg beaters and veggies, followed by chicken breast and broccoli for lunch.  This week I lost 1.4lbs so I'm sticking with this plan for now!  Here's a few of my favorite food porn sites:


  1. you are hilarious! that's like me and the Food Network! hey it's not hurting anyone right?? lmao!

  2. hahahaha! I wondered if I was reading right at first :)

    sound's like a good plan! i'm starting the CLEAN diet on wednesdayu so wish me luck... just gotta eat the box of muffins in the kitchen before i start!

  3. Pioneer Woman has some DELISH stuff! You might also want to try southern hospitality @ http://southernhospitalityblog.com/category/recipes-and-cooking/

    my girlfriend follows her and she has scrumptous "porn" as well (lol)

  4. @Vicky, I could watch the Food Network ALL. DAY. LONG. haha! I'm a foodie on a diet, not a great combination!
    @Shel, you'll have to let me know if you find a meal that you really like that I might need to try on your clean eating days!
    @Annie, I still want to try her cinnamon rolls but the recipe makes several dozens but that is the recipe I think about every Friday! I will definitely check out the other blog too!....On Friday. And I'm really tempted to peek at it now, but I'll resist the urge!

  5. Bakerella is one of my favorites. I bring her cakeballs to work/parties all the time. Everyone always asks for the recipes and I love that you can change the color scheme to match the event. I've now got a 'baking cabinet' full of half opened bags of candy melts. :)

  6. Carla, have you ever checked out Amy Atlas' blog? She does themed dessert tables that are out of this world! I'm going to try Bakerella's cheesecake pops for Valentine's day...should be a fun mess:)
